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Creating Accessibility and Equity in the Workforce

black woman smiling in a meeting with coworkers

Ability Central is an Oakland-based nonprofit working within the Deaf and disabled community to expand access to communication and information.

We’re on a mission to transform the field of communications and information access, working collaboratively as an educator, convener, and resource for organizations and individuals who are Deaf, disabled, and neurodiverse.

We also offer grants and technical support to other nonprofits working to help these communities, and provide online information and resources for people with questions about disabilities and communication access.

Employment and Disability in the United States

Learn more about creating a diverse and accessible workforce pipeline by checking out these resources.

Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN)

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Accessibility 101: How to Optimize Zoom Meeting Accessibility

Accessibility 101: How to Make Video Presentations Accessible

Accessibility 101: How to Make In-Person Events and Meetings Accessible

See the full infographic

disability and employment infographic

People with disabilities are twice as likely to be unemployed as those without disabilities.